New Way Corner General Arrangement
(January 2007, not yet implemented)
The proposed access to the garages could be difficult.
Is the "traditional" brick laid in a sand surface capable of carrying builders plant, and builders supply lorries taking into account the need to use the largest available now to carry a hoist capable of lifting materials over the Town Wall.
Pembroke is a limestone town, brown brick paviours are completely unnacceptable.
The main pedestrian route for schoolchildren and adults is to cross the road at the present bridge to the New Way. Dangerous now but lethal with the road realignment. What provision is being made for a controlled crossing.
If it is decided that a crossing cannot be provided until there are necessary accidents, I will hold the PCC responsible for any subsequent pedestrian deaths or injuries.
How are the children from Orange Gardens to access the new school. Cross at the foot of St Daniels Hill. Once again completely unnacceptable.
How is the present car parking behind the Lonicera piliata hedge to be accessed, or are these spaces to be lost.
Which Lonicera piliata is not specified, once again not a indigenous plant but a "fashionable" plant.The access to the car parks will become hazardous once the traffic speed is increased by removing the bend over the bridge .
Tree planting.
Pembroke is built on limestone , it has a particular flora, why are you introducing alien and innappropriate species. Silver birch is a plant of acid heaths and mountains. Horse Chestnuts fine, depending on the variety, much better would be Ash and Hornbeam which can be selectively coppiced and will regenerate indefinitely, Beech is suitable but drops branches in severe drought..With climate change, evergreen oaks, Turkey Oaks which flourish on limestone and are very drought resistant appear to be the most suitable with Sessile Oak which grows to a limited size and will never require tree surgery until very old age. Evergreen Oaks are grown in other Welsh towns built on limestone and add dignity and presence The trees you have specified are better suited to inner city gardens. Evergreen Oaks are widespread and flourish in private plantings in Pembrokeshire.
We must never repeat the obscenities of the recent planting to the West of the New Way, alien species which have to be mulched with tree bark, to exist.
When I was a child every west facing limestone wall was planted with a Fig tree,which thrive in poor dry soil and outcompete and cover the destructive ivy invasion of these walls.Why not plant most of the foot of the walls with Fig "Brown Turkey".
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