At the first inquiry I asked the PCC Footpath Officer to produce documents relevant to Mr Davies's claim, he said he could not. He left PCC. On the Monday before the second inquiry a retired Footpath Officer from Carmarthen CC was appointed to represent the PCC. At the beginning I queried the need for the reopenned inquiry as no new evidence had been produced.
The PCC Officer in his evidence produced from the PCC folder a photocopy of Mr Davies's Land Registry entry and of the map attached to his conveyance. Both Mr Davies and his representitive from Landnet denied seeing either of these documents and denied that they could see the clear colured lines which showed the Public Rights of Way on this plan. The Rights of Way were entered in writing on his Land Registry.
Before the hearing Mrs Davies told us not to bother to turn up as it had been" fixed"anywhere else but Pembroke we would have taken no notice of this statement.