At the recent display in the Market Hall Pembroke Dock artists impressions were shown with "this will enhance the environment and conservation"
A director of the company Martello Quays Development Keith Williams said to a group of local people after close cross questioning " I saw an opportunity to make a great deal of money".
We have not met any local person who is in favour of the "development".
County Councilor Brian Hall was in attendance, very aggressive and threatening to several objectors.
A public meeting was arranged for 2nd of July at the Pater Hall Clr Brian Hall, PCC, Keith Williams, John Turberville and Ted Sangster withdrew and released a press release saying.
"Where we have identified genuine concerns it is our intention to speak to individuals or groups to further explain our proposals and hopefuly in doing so alleviate" NOTE Not eliminate" the concerns expressed.
This individual approach is a far better and more effective method of dealing with issues than by means of a public meeting which by its short timescale will be dominated by a few."
Exactly the same argument used by PCC to stop concerned members of the public speaking at Planning and other meetings.
Is this an admission that Members of PCC and other officials cannot string two words together, that they muzzle articulate members of the public who are their employers.
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